Monday, June 27, 2011


Marty and I went to the Cape to celebrate our upcoming 3rd anniversary and also for our Babymoon.  This was probably our last vacation alone before the baby is born.  We stayed in Truro and spent most of the weekend lounging on the beach and reading books.  Just what we needed!  We also got to see a great band "Galactic" at the Beachcomber in  Wellfleet. 

Friday, June 17, 2011

The Growing Belly

April 10th, 2011 14 weeks 3 days

May 14, 2011 19 weeks 2 days

June 24th, 25 weeks 1 day

Pregnant Friends

I am very lucky to have 2 friends who are pregnant with me! This picture was taken May 22nd. I was 20 weeks, Janice 21 weeks, and Danielle 28 weeks!

I cant believe Janice and I are due a week apart from one another!!!!

19 Week Ultrasound

Abby 19 weeks, front view, skull

Abby's profile 19 weeks

Its a GIRL!!!!!

12 week ultrasound

Abigail 12 weeks

Abigail Frances

February 1st, 2011 I found out that I was pregnant! Marty and I are looking forward to starting a new chapter in our life together.

At my 12 week ultrasound the technician thought that we were having a boy. For several weeks I thought boy, boy, boy. Mom, Holly and I even began buying clothes for the boy who was to be named Reid Martin. Bad idea! At my 19 week ultrasound I nearly fell off the table when we discovered we were having a GIRL!!! I am soo thrilled that I get to have my girl!!!! My niece Anya will have a girl cousin who will be only 2 years younger so they will be able to do girly things together!

Marty and I were having trouble with names but he eventually said the name Abigail and I fell in love. Her middle name is Frances after my mother. Marty's grandmother's name was Frances as well!

So far she is very healthy! We originally were having a hard time seeing her heart because she likes to settle into positions where it is hard to get a good picture. Yesterday during the 3rd try, we finally got a good shot and discovered her heart is completely fine!!! I also was told she has long arms and legs. Maybe she will be nice and tall like her daddy!!!!


I finally decided to create a blog to record our family life!!! With Abigail Frances arriving in October we want to remember each milestone of the remainder of my pregnancy and in Abby's exciting life to come!!!! Enjoy!!!!