Monday, May 21, 2012


This weekend Abby had a couple of firsts!  First time in a boat at her Great-Nana B's camp and first time in a swing at a playground!  Oh yeah, first time eating a lemon and she LOVED it!  No pucker face at all! 

 Loved the boat and the pond.  The life jacket?  Not so much.  They need to make a better design for infant life jackets.  Add a helmet and the poor thing can't move at all!  We had to remove her helmet for this.

 Nana B's camp

 She loves lemons!


 A short video of her swinging.

 Sunset from Nana B's

 Oh yeah!  We finally got a wood stove insert!  :)  Thanks to our tax return we will be a bit toastier next winter!

Messy baby :)

Helmet time!

Last Tuesday Abby got her helmet! She has been building up time and will be wearing it 23 hours a day starting tomorrow!  It has been more of an adjustment for me so far.  Having to bathe her and wash, powder and dry her helmet every night before bed just adds to my already busy schedule!  Working full time and coming home to helmet care and PT on top of all my other home duties will be a challenge!

 She does look super cute in her helmet!

For some reason I have been a bit uneasy with people not knowing about why she needs a helmet.  It gets tiring having to explain why she is wearing a helmet to EVERYONE.  I knew about plagiocephaly and torticollis before having Abby and I thought it was common enough that people would not ask me about it.  Apparently I am wrong.  Even the spell check is telling me I am misspelling these terms.  Thank god she is so young that it does not bother her when the little boy asks why she is wearing that funny hat.  I don't get angry at all these comments.  I realize people are going to be curious.  I now know what it is like to face peoples stares and people who try to avoid looking at me because they feel bad or for whatever reason.  It kind of stings, not sure why but it does.  I did not think it would bother me but it does.

Its going to be a long summer with the helmet.  It will be on until at least August.  It already gets hot in the helmet and she sweats like crazy.  I wish she had gotten it over the winter.

 We did purchase stickers and will be putting them on soon.

Sunday, May 13, 2012


Abby LOVES watermelon.  We have a teether that you can put frozen or chilled fruit in and she loves chewing on chilled watermelon.


Her favorite thing to say is dadadadada

My 1st Mothers Day

I had and amazing day.  Becoming a mother has been the greatest achievement in my life so far and probably will be the greatest achievement ever.  Today we actually also joined the Rehoboth Congregational Church as well!  This morning we were part of a members joining service and after Abigails nap we went to the Cabby Shack in Plymouth.  The weather was absolutely beautiful!

Here are pictures of today and the past few days...

 She is getting into everything!!!!!

Saturday, May 5, 2012

7 months! Its flying...

Time has been flying.  I kind of expected it.  Being a teacher I see kids grow up before my eyes all of the time.  The 1st grade students from my first year teaching are in 8th grade now.  Just yesterday they were cute little babies and now they are annoying little preteens.  I realize I need to savor every moment.  Every one loves to tell me how fast it goes by as if I don't know.  Believe me I know! 

 Dante and Abigail at the Southwick Zoo

 The Perry's!
Holly is due to have another baby October 20th!  I cannot wait!